Monday, March 9, 2020

Animal Rights

 As humans we have rights, but animals on the other hand aren't always treated the way they should be. Animal rights is the idea in which some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence and that their most basic interests such as the need to avoid suffering should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. 

Animal Rights Facts 

  • 5% of animal abuse cases involve dogs.
  • Many states do not consider livestock in their cruelty laws.
  • Federal cruelty laws are limited when it comes to animals. Instead, most cases are handled on a state by state basis.
  •  There are currently 59 orcas in captivity at sea parks and aquariums throughout the world. Some are wild-caught; some were born in captivity. A third of the world's captive orcas are in the United States, and all but one of those live at SeaWorld's three parks in Orlando, San Diego, and San Antonio. The fate of Orcas in captivity is not positive. There is no intention of releasing them back into the wild. Did you know that an orca in captivity is equivalent to a human in a bath tub? 

    8 reasons that Orcas Don't belong in Seaworld

    1. Premature Deaths
    2. Lean, Mean Killing Machines 
    3. Collapsed Dorsal Fins 
    4. Tanks 
    5. Fights 
    6. Diet of Pig and Cow Bones 
    7. Breaking their teeth to get out 
    8. Family matters 
    Orcas suffer mentally and physically just to line SeaWorld’s pockets. You can help them! The momentum is on our side with the release of Blackfish (also on Netflix) and the recent lawsuit against SeaWorld. Join the fight to help orcas, and tell all your friends never to go to Sea World.


    1. I think the abuse that many of these captive animals face is horrifying and that these creatures deserve better lives.

    2. I agree that animals deserve rights the same way people do. My reason for this is constant abuse and killing of animals will cause the animals to become less populated. I agree that animals deserve rights mostly domesticated, but i am fine with the hunting of animals in the proper hunting times
